Recently I’ve had several clients inquire why the experiences they were
having were so challenging. After all, didn’t the Guides promise that
all was well in their lives? Weren’t they doing everything they needed
to do to be on their higher path? Furthermore, shouldn’t all this ‘right
action’ secure a path of ease and goodness?
If we view our individual lives as a soul-path that is rooted in
non-time, then the journey isn’t confined to what transpires between
birth and death. The viewpoint our Guides have is the larger overview.
They see as us the soul-beings that we are whereas we see ourselves
predominantly as our current persona. This is why their perspective can
be so helpful. Our inability to see this expansive point of view could
be referred to as spiritual tunnel-vision. In other words, a karmic
experience (which is neither good nor bad), is one that is rooted in our
distant past. That past, however, is generally too far back for us to
fully understand how it impacts us today. Therefore, when our Spirit
Guides assure us that all is well, they are speaking from this overview
of our soul-journey. They know that we will make it through our current
karmic journey and advise as such. We are the ones that define reality
from the dualistic perspective of good or bad.
The path of awakening is not about an existence free of karmic
challenge. Quite the contrary, karma allows us an evolution of soul
growth. Even the most difficult trial can be turned into clarity and
wisdom. This is really the point. If we understand that the higher
soul-path is the purpose of our lives, we can more readily accept our
individual karma and use it as a step-ladder for ascension. To think
that we are miss-stepping because everything isn’t perfect in our lives
is missing the point. It is important to view karma positively and not
as some sort of punishment.
No one is exempt from karma. Keep in mind, however, that the karmic
agenda is soul-based, not personality based. Therefore, the soul is in
agreement with this journey even if the persona objects. When we face
our karma, the inner strength we arrive at is immeasurable. It changes
us at the cellular level; this is real ascension. It doesn’t come about
just because we do the right prayer, meditation, yoga, service, etc.
Ascension happens when we don’t resist the limitations that are before
us. If you were hungry but objected to having to prepare food and eat
it, you wouldn’t survive. We accept these basic needs of the body. It is
the same with the karmic journey. We must embrace what it brings us,
both the easy and difficult aspects. Ultimately the embrace of our
karmic journey is a cleansing of the soul and an awakening of
consciousness. Like it or not, it is the thread that holds a human
reality together.
*karma: in Hindu and Buddhist philosophy, the quality of somebody's
current and future lives as determined by that person's behavior in this
and in previous lives
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